Home » Podcasts & Videos » Dr Abdul Kalam identifies top 10 ten challenges facing the nation and the role of youth - Interview recorded in August 2007

Dr Abdul Kalam identifies top 10 ten challenges facing the nation and the role of youth - Interview recorded in August 2007

Editorial Team of PreSense greets all on the happy occassion when India celebrates 68th Republic...

👤 Prime Point Srinivasan26 Jan 2017 2:45 AM GMT
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Editorial Team of PreSense greets all on the happy occassion when India celebrates 68th Republic Day. We are happy to republish the Podcast Interview recorded by us with Dr Abdul Kalam in August 2007, when India celebrated 60th Independence Day. In this interview, Dr Abdul Kalam lists top 10 challenges facing the Nation and the role of youth. Please listen to Dr Kalam.

Prime Point Srinivasan, Editor in Chief, PreSense
